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SEPTA Token And Shrinky Dink Trolley Pin

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You aren’t going anywhere, so it’s never been a better time for a SEPTA token craft!

I’ve seen many cute earrings online with tokens, but unfortunately cannot pull off big danglies due to my glasses. It feels like too much stuff is hanging off my head. Glasses and big earrings make me feel like I’m wearing those novelty Groucho Marx glasses with the eyebrows, nose and mustache. Too much.

FOR THE TOKEN: The holes in the token were half way drilled with a small drill bit, and then punched with a tiny metal hole punch. I felt the drill bit would have made too large a hole, and the hole punch wasn’t strong enough to punch through a SEPTA token (I use it for flattened pennies). The pin back is glued to the token with jewelry glue intended for metals.

FOR THE TROLLEY: The shrinky dink is unsanded transparent, and the black/red/blue details were drawn on with sharpie prior to shrinking. The back was painted with a white “water based enamel” after shrinking. The holes were punched prior to shrinking as well, with a regular hole punch (the kind from elementary school). The shrinky dink did fold over while cooking, but I trusted the process and it corrected.