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SEPTA Token And Shrinky Dink Trolley Pin

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You aren’t going anywhere, so it’s never been a better time for a SEPTA token craft!

I’ve seen many cute earrings online with tokens, but unfortunately cannot pull off big danglies due to my glasses. It feels like too much stuff is hanging off my head. Glasses and big earrings make me feel like I’m wearing those novelty Groucho Marx glasses with the eyebrows, nose and mustache. Too much.

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Timberkits Drummer- a Janet Weiss Automaton

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With this increased time-at-home, I have been itching to do a kit-something that is interesting to assemble, customizable, and makes a product that I would actually want in my home. I was thrilled, THRILLED when Michael got me the Timberkit Drummer for my birthday.

I knew I needed to paint a lot of the parts prior to assembly, so I had to decide who this drummer was going to be. Who would I want a representation of sitting on my shelf, who also has a distinctive enough “style” for me to approximate? Michael suggested Janet Weiss, and as a big Sleater-Kinney fan, I knew it was the right choice.

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